Dove Ice Cream Only 75 Cents At Walmart

I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ice Cream! Check out this cheap clearance on Dove Ice Cream Bars a member Missy found.

These Dove Ice Cream Bars were found at Walmart for only 75 Cents. The SKU is 1677753. Not a Dove fan? The Ice Cream clearance is for other brands as well. Such as Klodike 6CT for only 75 Cents SKU 12166992, Snicker 6CT Bars only 75 Cents SKU 550155664, Edy’s Dreyers 1.5 QT $2.00 SKU 10794897, Great Value 12CT Choc. Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwiches 50 Cents SKU 15603558, Great Value Double Choc. 48oz $1.00 SKU 954168603, and Great Value Peanut Butter Cookie Crunch 48oz $1.00 SKU 729499254. This is in store clearance finds and YMMV. Thanks Missy for sharing!

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