?OMG!!!! Check Out This AMAZING Walmart Clearance Haul!!!?

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HOLY MOLY!  Shamara from our Walmart Clearance Finders group found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow clearance deal!!!  YAY!  She scored everything in the pic for 3¢ each. Cha’ Ching!  “$660.80 worth of toys for $1.47”.

I know it is unbelievable, but it does happen.  When stores are trying to clear everything out for the next season they want things moved.  I stumbled upon Halloween Clearance for 10¢ each one year.  You just have to be at the right place at the right time.  There may be a few of you saying “She doesn’t need all that”, “What is she going to do with all that”, or “She should have left some for others”.  My answer to you, it doesn’t really matter.  She may donate it to a children’s hospital, a homeless shelter, and toys for tots.  She may have a large family.  No matter what, she scored an Awesome deal.

Did you know that if the store couldn’t bless someone with this amazing deal, they may actually throw it in the dumpster?  Yep, it does happen.  So in reality she helped save the earth and is able to put a smile on some kids’ faces.  A little story on how I know they throw things away.  My brother-in-law works for our local sanitation company.  You wouldn’t believe the gifts we got from him dumpster diving.  Tons of items with tags still in the packaging.  So instead of being jealous, because I have to admit I am a little jealous, lol.  But I am more excited that she Hit the Clearance Jackpot.  ♥Thank you for sharing Shamara!♥

This is a total YMMV!  You just have to be at the right place at the right time!


Walmart In Store Clearance Disclosure: Walmart Clearance deal is YMMV meaning what is on clearance at one store may not be at another. Clearance items and prices vary widely by region and even city to city. Check your stores often and if it is not marked, scan at the self service scanner or on your Walmart App.

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