Walmart is a wonderful place to get clearance items for cheap. You can find many things on clearance at your local Walmart. But did you know Walmart is getting rid of their Price Check Scanners? We thrive on clearance shopping for cheap everyday items. If you been in the stores shopping lately and wondering why you can’t find a scanner, we can share why Walmart Gets Rid of Price Check Scanners.
Walmart has been yanking out those Bar Code scanners out across the country. Not only does this cut out costs for Walmart, and even helps to keep shelf’s cleaner. I know I’m not the only one who would walk over to scan an item to see 20 different items sitting around the scanner.There are probably a million reasons why these have been taken out of stores.
So your next question may be, Well how do I check the price of something? The Walmart app has a built in scanner, it will show you the price of the product you can in-store and online. Remember you can price match to as long as the product is shipped and sold by Walmart. If you don’t have a smartphone with the Walmart app you can still walk to a cashier, and ask for the price of the item.
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