Paw Patrol is a very popular show for younger kids! With the show, movie, pajamas, toys and more!! If you have younger kids who love Paw Patrol, check out this HOT deal on Paw Patrol Car Seats available below!
Every younger kid needs a car seat, and what’s better then having one as one of your favorite characters from a movie and tv show! Walmart currently has on clearance two paw patrol character booster seats! These seats would normally cost $149!! However, you can grab them on clearance for as little as $37.50! Thanks to Walmart shopper Sheila for sharing her finds with us! You can check your stores with the following skus and our inventory checker button below! SKYE-55355972 CHASE- 481795888 and MARSHALL- 49971537. Since this is an in store only deal, YMMV (your miles may vary) with in store clearance prices and quantity!