Say What?! The Crazy Coupon Thing This Woman Did That Got Her Arrested!


Over the years, we’ve talked about how fraudulent acquisition of Coupons is something to be wary of. From “Coupon fairies” being arrested to a Walmart cashier paying reparations after decoding Coupons, we’ve seen problem after problem. This one is truly a shocker, though.

Patrice Cugini, 49, of Pennsylvania was arrested after she was caught on security tape driving up to her local CVS location, stealing the entire stack of Sunday newspapers and driving away. The craziest part? She did this in BROAD DAYLIGHT in her OWN car. She wasn’t even trying to hide! I wonder…. did she think there was no camera, that no one would notice the newspapers being gone or was she just not trying to hide her crime at all?

After identifying the woman, police arrested Cugini on Sunday, and charged her with theft by unlawful taking.

Theft is theft. Period. And Cugini should know this, having a lengthy criminal history going back more than a decade, with convictions for theft and retail theft among those on her record.

No one knows what she planned to do with the Coupons that were inside of her stolen newspapers.

Story originally appeared on Coupons in the News

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