Allen + Roth Indoor Outdoor Area Rug Exclusive Savings!

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Decorate your back deck, bring to your campsite, or use indoors, this Allen and Roth Indoor/ Outdoor Area Rug will do it all for you!   With its fade resistant and stain resistant feature you can set this rug up with indoors or outdoors!  It is built with durability to last longer!

These Rugs are excellent to set up outdoors, if they get dirty you just wash them off with a hose, or brush off any pine needles or leaves with a breeze!  You will want to check your stores for this exclusive deal!   This Allen and Roth Indoor/ Outdoor Rug would normally cost $208.  However some areas have them marked down to only $75, and possibly cheaper in your area!  Check your stores directly from our shop now button below!


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