Johnson & Johnson $72 Million Class Action Lawsuit

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Do you use or have you used Johnson & Johnson products on your little ones?  You may be owed money according to a recent class action lawsuit that was filed against this huge company. Johnson and Johnson products have been found to have harmful cancer causing ingredients in them.

Johnson & Johnson was found to have quaternium – 15 and 1,4 – dioxane. Both of these are carcinogens known to cause cancer. Johnson and Johnson admitted they knew that these were in their products, but have been working to phase them out. They are produced new lines of products that are free from these specific ingredients, but it is already too late? One family, was paid out $72 Million after their loved one passed away from ovarian cancer that was directly linked to the use of Johnson and Johnson baby products.

Johnson & Johnson are still producing and widely distributing products known to cause cancer. Products that are still being made with harmful materials are Johnson’s Cottontouch Wash and Shampoo, Johnson’s Head to Toe, Johnson’s Calming Shampoo, Johnson’s Bedtime Moisture Wash, Johnson’s Skin Nourish Vanilla Oat Wash, and Johnson’s No More Tangles Shampoo. We will keep you updated on any future class action lawsuits.



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