ALL You Need To Know About Walmart Clearance!

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If all this terminology like YMMV and SKU are confusing heres a list of all the things you need to know about Walmart clearance!

What the HAY does YMMV mean?

YMMV is simply an abbreviation meaning “your miles may vary”. Why? because Walmart’s clearance is very unique and is very different from store to store. So if a TV say is $70 in one store it may be $180 in another store.

Whats a SKU???

A SKU number is a unique number found on the bottom of the bar code of each product. This number is also listed online. This number helps to keep track of each listed product. Why are the SKU #’s important to clearance? Because they allow you to look up specific items found on clearance! Like maybe one of the many found on our website!

The Wonders Of The Walmart App!

This deserves its own category! The full proof way to check your stores clearance!

Check Your Store

When you get the app be sure its set to your store. Once set to your area you can search any item and check for the in store pickup tab at the bottom. Once there if available it will list the clearance price that item is for your store.

Side Note 

The app is not always 100% up to date so some prices may not be listed or may not be available in your store. Be sure the item you do select has an in store pick up option.

Scan It

This is for those of us who like finding our in store clearance deals. The app also has a scanning option. You can scan the bar code on the item and the app will ring up the price its listed at in your store! Or look for a price checker that are placed in a few places in each store.


Walmart In Store Clearance Disclosure: Walmart Clearance deal is YMMV meaning what is on clearance at one store may not be at another. Clearance items and prices vary widely by region and even city to city. Check your stores often and if it is not marked, scan at the self service scanner or on your Walmart App. You can also check out our Walmart Coupons for more deals.

Be sure to check our BIG LIST Of over 2000 Walmart Clearance items

Walmart Clearance List

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