Green Houses for Sale at Kohls!

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Green Houses for Sale at Kohls! Limited Time Only!

Kohls has a huge sale for Green Houses online! Right now you can score this Ogrow Deluxe 12-Shelf Walk-In Portable Greenhouse for just $49.39 with no promo code needed! Walk into this green house and organize the 12 shelves with vegetables, herbs, flowers and so much more. And this also has the cover on to keep the Greenhouse warm and moisture inside. These are great for starting your planting early ahead of the season and keeping all the plants in one place. Plus these Green houses are perfect for winter growing too!

Head over to Kohls to shop these Green Houses on sale now! Since these are clearance prices, promo codes are not needed. Choose in store pickup for free where available or spend $50 for free shipping. You will need to add a filler item to this to reach the free shipping threshold. This limited time sale will not last long online, so hurry and shop now before this deal ends! Additionally Kohls also has a few other Green houses for sale online, this was just the best deal we found. And this green house is also portable and easy to be moved around as needed.

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