Work From Home Job! Amazon is Hiring!!!

Work From Home Job At Amazon

If you have been looking for a fantastic work from home job opportunity – this could be PERFECT! Amazon is currently hiring for their Customer Service Reserves program. Additionally Amazon recently announced their annual Career Day and will be hiring over 50,000 tech. If this interests you, take a look at the second GO HERE button below! This is perfect for those looking for extra income or who want to switch to an at home job.

In order to be eligible – above all, you must reside in one of the following states: Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Virginia. But for Work From Home Jobs there are also occasionally jobs posted for other states. Be sure to keep an eye out.

The pay is $10 per hour and the schedule appears to be pretty flexible. The holidays are coming and this could be a PERFECT opportunity to earn some extra income!

To view the complete job description and apply online click the link below!


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